What should I do if an immigration officer approaches me?

In unexpected situations, such as being approached by an immigration officer, staying calm and acting appropriately can make all the difference. Benme Legal offers some key recommendations to protect your rights:

  • Stay calm: Don’t run or make sudden movements. Calm reactions are crucial.
  • Ask the officer if you are free to leave: If you are not under arrest, you can ask, “Am I free to leave?” If the answer is “yes,” you should leave calmly.
  • Right to remain silent: You have the right not to answer questions about your immigration status. If you choose not to speak, say clearly, “I would prefer to remain silent”.
  • Don’t sign any documents without reading them: Avoid signing any documents without the advice of an attorney.
  • Know your documents: If you have legal permission to be in the country, carry copies with you and present them only if you need to.

At Benme Legal we are committed to protecting your rights. If you need legal advice or assistance, our team is here to help.

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