What will really change with the new proposal from the Biden administration for migrants seeking asylum in the U.S.?

The new measure presented by Joe Biden’s administration has a clear objective: “To identify and more quickly remove those individuals who pose a security risk” to the United States. Essentially, it aims to reject asylum applications more swiftly and accelerate deportations for those who pose a national and public security threat. This new rule, outlined by the Department of Homeland Security, will focus on a very specific group of people, primarily those who have committed serious crimes or are involved in terrorism-related activities. This includes individuals convicted of serious crimes and those who pose a danger to the security of the United States. 

What does this mean for asylum seekers?

For most asylum seekers, this new measure will not represent a significant change. Federal law already mandates the denial of asylum to those considered a public threat. The main difference lies in the “when” this denial of asylum occurs. The new measure aims to speed up this process, allowing for a quicker and more efficient evaluation of cases that pose security risks. 

How does this affect our clients and the community?

At Benme Legal, we understand that any changes in immigration policies can create uncertainty and concern. We want to assure you that we are here to provide the necessary support and guidance. Our team is committed to offering effective legal representation and keeping you informed about any developments that may affect your case or situation. 

Our Commitment to You In these times of change, it is more important than ever to have a legal team that is at the forefront of reforms and can offer solutions tailored to each situation. At Benme Legal, we pride ourselves on our dedication and our ability to quickly adapt to new regulations. We are here to guide you and defend your rights every step of the way.